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Walking Meditation

Walking meditation pairs the practice of mindfulness meditation with slow, deliberate walking, often along a predetermined, self-contained path. When choosing a location for your practice, try to find a path that is free of too much noise or too many obstacles. When preparing to engage in walking meditation, it is important to check in with your body, taking several deep cleansing breaths as you prepare to begin. Soften your gaze, and cast your gaze downwards, about six feet in front of you. Walk slowly, at about half your normal pace, and take small steps. As you walk, focus your attention first on your breath, and then gradually, focus your attention on how your body feels as you walk. Finally, you may open up your awareness to the environment around you– sights, sounds, smells, and other sensations. 

For further reading:
Walking Meditation: Easy Steps to Mindfulness, by Thich Nhat Hanh